Our Story

Laine Ann is a brand that celebrates femininity and specializes in creating beautiful dresses for women. In a world where gender conflict is prevalent, we aspire to inspire women to embrace their feminine qualities with pride. Creating a supportive and safe environment is essential to achieving this goal.

Back in 2016, our very first product was a bikini. I had noticed that people in Japan tended to cover up as much as possible to avoid tanning, but I wanted to change that by providing bikinis that I loved. My passion for creating bikinis that differ from the typical tops with wire and large shorts in Japan motivated me.


In 2017, we opened a pop-up store at a beach house in Kamakura after selling our products online. I remember visiting over 30 beach houses on the Zushi coast, one by one, searching for the perfect spot to showcase our brand. Gaining the owners' trust was challenging as we were an unknown brand. Looking back, I can't help but wonder if it was me who managed to pull it off. As a very introverted person who grew up in Japan, I understood the cultural norms. I knew that simply showing up and asking to place our brand in their store was not the proper way to approach these Japanese businessmen.

I'd like to know whether I improved my negotiation skills or I was just lucky. During my door-to-door visits, one of the shop owners agreed to let me use their space. However, he asked me to pay rent or give them 10 percent of the sales, but I explained that I didn't have any money, and since it was my first time was unsure if I'd have any sales. Instead, I promised to work there for three months every weekend during the summer and bring in customers. The business was good enough to have a different line, and we started selling female party dresses.

During that summer, I had the chance to meet many people who offered to help me with my business; I couldn't discern if their intentions were sincere due to my lack of experience. I had promised myself when I started that I would have to give up on this dream if I didn't have regular sales by the time I turned 25. Unfortunately, in 2020, we had to close down Laine Ann due to our insufficient knowledge and passion. It was a difficult decision, especially considering that I was already 26 years old at the time. After that, I became a flight attendant, but with COVID-19, working as a flight attendant became increasingly difficult. So, in 2022, I quit my job and started working on Laine Ann again.

From a very young age, I discovered my passion for dressing up. Even though no one around me shared my interest, I pursued it enthusiastically. Whenever my sisters had essential events, I would encourage them to dress up and help them bring out their inner beauty. Seeing them transform physically and emotionally gave me a sense of joy that I can't express. It's incredible how pursuing our passions can bring so much fulfillment and happiness.

One important thing I would like you to remember from this story is always to be true to yourself and support the women around you. You can inspire others by being a kind, positive person who isn't afraid to laugh at your mistakes. And no matter what season of life you're in, always look and feel fabulous in Laine Ann.